​Japan Martial Arts Academy

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Age tsuke: rising punch
Age uke gyaku ashi: upper block (reverse foot)
Age uke: rising block
Ago: chin
Ashi waza: foot techniques
Ashi: foot
Ashibo kake uke: leg hooking block
Ashikubi kake uke: ankle hooking block
Atama: head
Ate waza: smashing technique
Atemi: striking the vital points
Awase tsuke: U punch
Bassai: breaking down the fortress
Budo: martial ways
Bunkai: application of techniques in kata
Bushido: way of the warrior
Choku tsuke: straight punch
Chudan: middle or chest area
Chudan choku tsuke: straight punch to body
Chudan mae geri: front kick to the middle area
Chudan shuto uke: middle knifehand block
Chudan uchi uke: block from inside out with top of wrist
Chudan ude uke: forearm block against body attack
Dachi: stance
Dan tsuke: consecutive punches
De ashi harai: advancing foot sweep
Deai osae uke: pressing block stepping in
Do: way
Dojo: Practice Hall, literally "Place of Learning the Way"
Empi uchi: elbow strike
Empi: elbow
En sho: round heel
Eri: collar or lapel
Fudo dachi: rooted stance
Fumikiri: cutting kick
Fumikomi age uke: upper block, stepping in
Fumikomi shuto uke: knifehand block, stepping in
Fumikomi ude uke: forearm block, stepping in
Fumikomi: stomping kick
Gai wan: Outer arm
Gedan Barai Uke: Downward Sweeping Block
Gedan Choku Tsuke: Straight punch to groin
Gedan Kake Uke: Downward Hooking Block
Gedan Kekomi: Thrust Kick to groin
Gedan Tsuke: Punch to groin
Gedan Uke: Downward Block
Gedan: Lower body area
Geri: Kick
Gi: Uniform
Goshi (or Koshi): Hip
Goshin Waza: Self Defense Techniques
Gyaku Ashi: Reverse Foot
Gyaku Juji Gatame: Palms up Strangle
Gyaku Mawashi Geri: Reverse Round Kick
Gyaku Tsuke: Reverse Punch
Hachiji dachi: open leg stance
Hadaka jime: naked strangle
Hai wan: back arm
Hai wan negashi uke: back arm sweeping block
Haishoku: instep
Haishu: backhand
Haishu uchi: backhand strike
Haishu uke: backhand block
Haito: ridgehand
Haito uchi: ridgehand strike
Hajime: begin
Hangetsu dachi: half-moon stance
Hangetsu kata: half-moon formal exercise
Hanmi: half front facing
Hara: stomach
Harai: sweeping
Hariken: fore-knuckle fist
Hasami tsuke: scissors punch
Heian: peaceful mind
Heiko dachi: parallel stance
Heiko tsuke: parallel punch
Heisoku dachi: closed feet stance (attention)
Hidari shizen tai: left natural position
Hidari teiji dachi: left t-stance
Hidari: left
Hiji ate: elbow strike
Hiji suri uke: elbow sliding block
Hiji uchi: elbow strike
Hiraken tsuke: fore knuckle-fist straight punch
Hiraken: fore knuckle fist
Hiriki no yosei: elbow power
Hiza: knee
Hiza geri: knee kick
Hizagashira: kneecap
Ichitaita: one against many
Ikkaijo: first control
Ippon ken tsuke: one knuckle-fist straight punch
Ippon ken: one knuckle fist
Ippon kumite: one step exercise
Ippon seoi nage: one arm shoulder throw
Irimi: entering
Irimi nage: entering throw
Jo sokutei: Raised sole
Jodan: Head Level
Jodan Age Uke: Upper block against head attack
Jodan Choku Tsuke: Upper Straight Punch
Jodan Kekomi Geri: Thrust Kick to head
Jodan Mae Geri: Front Kick to head
Jodan Uke: High Block
Judo: Gentle Way
JuJitsu ( JuiJitsu): Gentle Art
Juji Kumite: Free Exercise
Juji Nage: Crossed Arm Throw
Juji Uke: Cross Block
Jumbi Undo: Warming up Exercises
Kage geri: hooking kick
Kage tsuke: hook punch
Kaisho: open hand
Kaiten nage: open and turn throw
Kaiten: turning
Kakato geri: heel kick
Kakato: heel
Kake geri: hooking kick
Kake shuto uke: hooking knifehand block
Kake tsuke: hooking punch
Kake uke: hooking block
Kakiwaki uke: reverse wedge block
Kakuto uke: bent wrist block
Kakuto: bent-wrist block
Kamae: posture
Kanku: viewing the sky
Kansetsu waza: joint manipulation techniques
Karate: empty hand
Kata: formal exercise
Kata: shoulder
Keage: snap (kick)
Kebanashi: kick off (snap kick)
Keito uke: chicken head wrist block
Keito: chicken head wrist
Kekomi: thrust (kick)
Kendo: sword fighting
Kentsui uchi: fist hammer strike
Kentsui: fist hammer
Keri (or geri) waza: kicking techniques
Kesa geri: diagonal kick
Ki: inner spirit or strength
Kiai: yell or shout
Kiba dachi: horse (straddle leg) stance
Kihon dosa: Basic movements
Kihon kumite: basic sparring
Kihon waza: fundamental techniques
Kihon: basics or fundamentals
Kime: focus
Kin geri: groin kick
Kiostuke: attention (command)
Kizami tsuke: jab
Ko soto gari: minor outside reaping throw
Ko uchi gari: minor inside reaping throw
Koken uke: wrist block
Kokutsu dachi: back stance
Konoe gaeshi: leaf turning wristbend
Kosa dachi: crossed leg stance
Ko-shi: ball of the foot
Kote gaeshi: outward turning wristbend
Kote hineri: inward turning wristbend
Kubi nage: neck throw
Kubi: neck
Kumade: bear hand
Kumite: free exercise
Ma ai: distancing
Mae Ashi Geri: Front Leg Kick
Mae Empi Uchi: Forward Elbow Strike
Mae Geri Keage: Front "snap" Kick
Mae Geri Kekomi: Front Thrusting Kick
Mae Geri: Front Kick
Mae Hiji Ate: Forward elbow smash
Mae Tobi Geri: Jumping Front Kick
Maeude deai uke: Forearm pressing block
Maeude hineri uke: Forearm twist block
Makiwara: Striking Board
Masubi Dachi: Informal Attention Stance
Matte: Stop
Mawashi Geri: Round Kick
Mawashi Tsuke: Round Punch
Migi: Right
Mikazuki Geri: Cresent Kick
Momo: Thigh
Morote sukui uke: Two-handed twist block
Morote Tsukami: Uke: Two-handed Grasping Block
Morote Tsuke: Double Fist Punch
Morote Uke: Augmented Forearm Block
Mudansha: Ranks below Black Belt
Mune: Chest
Musubi Dachi: Open feet stance, heel together
Nagashi tsuke: flowing punch
Nage waza: throwing techniques
Nai wan: inner arm
Naihanchi: iron horse
Nakadaka ippon; ken: middle finger one knuckle fist
Nami juji gatame: half cross strangle
Negashi uke: sweeping block
Nekoashi dachi: cat stance
Nidan geri: double kick
Nihon nukite: two finger spearhand
Nikaijo: second control
Nukite: spearhand
Obi: belt
O soto gari: major outside reaping throw
O uchi gari: major inside reaping throw
Oi tsuke: stepping or lunge punch
Okuri ashi harai: sliding (or gathering) foot sweep
Okuri eri jime: sliding collar throw
Osae uke: pressing block
Otoshi empi uchi: downward elbow block
Otoshi hiji: ate downward elbow strike
Otoshi uke: dropping block
Rei: bow
Reinoji dachi: "l" stance
Ren tsuke: alternate punching
Renzoku geri: combination kick
Ritsu rei: standing bow
Sanchin Dachi: Pigeon-toed (or hour-glass) Stance
Sankaijo: Third Control
Sanren Tsuke: Three Consecutive Punches
Seiken Choku Tsuke: Forefist Straight Punch
Seiken Tsuke: Forefist Strike
Seiken: Forefist
Seiryuto Uke: Seiryuto Uke Ox-jaw Block
Seiryuto: Ox-jaw hand
Sensei: Teacher or Instructor
Shihan: Head Instructor
Shiho Nage: Four-corner Directional Throw
Shiho Wari: Breaking boards on Four Side to test power
Shikko ho: Knee walking
Shiko Dachi: Square Stance
Shime Waza: Strangulation Techniques
Shintai: Body Movement
Shitage: Uniform Pants
Shittsui: Knee-hammer
Shizen Dachi: Natural Stance
Shizen tai: Natural position
Shomen Tsuke: Front Punch
Shomen Uchi: Front Strike
Shotei Uchi: Palmheel Strike
Shotei Uke: Palmheel Block
Shu wan: Palm arm
Shubo: Arm stick
Shumatsu: Undo Cool down Exercises
Shuto Uchi: Knifehand
Shuto Uke: Knifehand Block
Sochin Dachi: Diagonal: Straddle-leg Stance
Sode: Sleeve
Sokumen awase uke: Side two-hand block
Sokutei Mawashi Uke: Circular Sole Block
Sokutei Osae Uke: Pressing Block with sole
Sokuto Keage Geri: "Snap" kick with edge of foot
Sokuto Osae Uke: Pressing Block with foot edge
Sokuto: Foot Edge
Soto Uke:: Block from outside inward with bottom of wrist
Suki: Opening
Sukui Uke: Scooping Block
Sutemi Waza: Sacrifice Technique
Tai no henko: Body change
Tai Subaki No Kihon: Basics of Body Movement
Tai Subaki: Body movement; pivoting
Taikyoku: First Cause
Tameshigeri: Test cutting with the sword
Tameshiwari: power demonstration, breaking
Tanden: Area below the navel and the center of ki
Tatami: Mat
Tate Empi Uchi: Vertical Elbow Strike
Tate Hiji Ate: Upward Elbow Strike
Tate Shuto Uke: Vertical Knifehand Strike
Tate Tsuke: Vertical Fist Punch
Te nagashi Uke: Hand Sweeping Block
Te Osae Uke: Hand Pressing Block
Teiji dachi: stance
Teisho Awase Uke: Combined Palm heel block
Teisho Tsuke: Palm Heel punch
Teisho Uchi: Palm Heel Strike
Teisho Uke: Palm heel block
Teisho: Palm Heel
TeKatana: Hand Sword
Tekki: Iron Horse
Tekubi Kake uke: Wrist hook block
Tem ben Nage: Elbow Lock Throw
Tenkan: Turning
Tobi Geri: Jumping Kick
Tobi Yoko Geri: Jumping Side Kick
Tori: Defender
Tsukami Uke: Grasping Block
Tsuke Waza: Punching techniques
Tsuke: Punch
Tsumasaki: Tips of toes
Tsuro Ashi Dachi: Crane Stance
Uchi hachiji dachi: inverted open leg stance
Uchi mawashi geri: inside cresent kick
Uchi uke: inside block
Uchi waza: striking techniques
Uchi: striking (also inner)
Ude garami: coiling armbar/figure four shoulder lock
Ude uke: forearm block
Ude: arm
Ukae: attacker
Uke: block
Ukemi: breakfalls
Ura tsuke: close punch
Uraken uchi: back fist strike
Uraken: backfist
Ushiro ashi geri: rear leg kick
Ushiro empi geri: back elbow strike
Ushiro geri: back kick
Ushiro hiji: ate back elbow strike
Ushiro: back, rear
Uwagi: uniform jacket
Wake gatami: elbow lock
Wan: arm
Wanto: arm sword
Washide: eagle hand
Waza: technique
Yama tsuke: wide "u" punch
Yoko empi uchi: side elbow strike
Yoko geri keage: side "snap" kick
Yoko geri kekomi: side thrust kick
Yoko geri: side kick
Yoko hiji ate: side elbow strike
Yoko kekomi: side thrust
Yoko mawashi empi uchi: side round elbow strike
Yoko mawashi hiji ate: side round elbow strike
Yokomen Uchi: Side strike to head
Yoko tobi geri: jumping side kick
Yoko: side
Yokomen uchi: side strike to head
Yonhon uchi: four finger spearhand
Yonkaijo: fourth control
Yubi: finger
Yudansha: black belt level
Za-rei: Kneeing Salutation (bow)
Zenkutsu Dachi: Forward Stance